Tuesday, 29 May 2012

I am a Diva and I make no apologies for it!

By Sasha Fiercé Alejandro

I understand that with a lot of people gayness is equated with suppression. Perhaps being outrageously "outspoken" is a way to deal with the confinement. It's natural and normal part of life. But people hesitate to talk openly about their needs, their desires and their concerns because they are so fearful of what others might think. I introduce BITCHY in the A list of Attitude. Bitchyness is a verbal armor to protect the gay diva.

Let me attempt to clarify the misused term bitchy; it doesn't mean acting like a nag and telling your man what to do. It doesn't mean talking to your man in a whiny or bickering way, it doesn't mean being rude and insensitive. That’s not the attitude am talking about.
The bitchy attitude here is the one that makes men respond on a deep and instinctual level with gay divas who act bitchy.

A gay diva (Oh,Kindly scroll down the bottom of this article and click 'play' then get back here!) here is not just a clone diva. Honey, this is a man who is a bit of a rebel with some finish of cocky, speaks his mind and doesn't bend over backwards for women or for people in general; he wants a manly act (if you know what I mean)
Let’s get back to the bitchy attitude. I must admit that here in Kenya literally being bitchy gets you called a DRAMA QUEEN. Call me a drama queen but I tend to act ambivalent, cold and bitchy...you know what?  I get to meet and attract men like am some kind of supermodel even though am not...LOL (flicks hair)

Being a Bitch/Diva isn't about stepping on other people, or reality TV-style sabotage antics. It’s about working hard for what you want, and knowing when to stand up for what you deserve. It’s not about demoralizing others; it’s about self-empowerment. It’s not about being arrogant; it’s about displaying your confidence and intellect as a badge of pride. It’s not asserting any inherent superiority or self-entitlement, but recognizing your own self-worth and value. The code is simple:
  1. They will never compromise what they like or who they are for anyone not even a man, you know why? If you compromise you seem needy. This is not attractive.
  2. Bitchy gay divas protect their feelings and don't allow a man's "issues" to get in the way of their happiness, if the man is acting distant or Moody, (s) he’ll propel an attitude that tells him he needs to "deal with it" 
  3. Bitchy gay divas, don’t feel pressured to get physical with a man before they are ready. This is the best part and I call it UNPREDICTABILITY. Bitchy gay divas must be challenging, but more importantly, they have to be unpredictable for men.
A real diva would do everything s/he can not to waste this lesson, because when the lesson is wasted, That Bitch Called Life (she’s the ultimate bitch) will only use a bigger hammer next time around. Every first class bitch knows, when you're bitchy in the wrong way, it can backfire big-time!   
A diva who is strong, successful, pretty and a fashionable gay guy must have all the aforesaid to make it in the A list of the A in the A-ttitude. In some other circles it’s called maximizing your Heartless Bitch Potential (HBP)
If a bunch of guys are calling me a Bitch, I know I must be hitting a nerve, if they start calling me a Heartless Bitch, I know I've got them running scared, but the best part is when they call me a Cold, Heartless Bitch Diva (Prince's personal favorite), because they know I am someone they will never be able to subjugate.


Sasha Fierce Alejandro is a tough self made diva in our queer scene; always tells it as it is and takes no sh*t from anyone. He recently marked his one year relationship anniversary with his beau, Prince.


  1. wow ...i like it.....i kept thinkin its all about dragging,lóoking feminine or having a big mouth to silence underdogs....

  2. beautiful; i love you sasha

  3. Personally I dig Sasha big time. I love how bold and expressive and fearless and by all means incredibly fierce she is. Rock it Sasha and congratulations on your anni.

  4. One of the most rated pieces in T.S.R. It was really awesome hosting you here at The Situation Room Bitch!

  5. i love how sasha fierce alejandro has done this piece..love it

  6. aawww...am proud of you my wife sasha fierce...love you <3

  7. Excellent...had many smiles whilst reading...

  8. my friend actually referred me to this blog and I must admit that this article is amazing,,,,go go Sasha

  9. this is a real diva stuff..gay effeminate wote mko yuu

  10. crazy art cole and sasha big ups

  11. If a man's being shady with you, cut him loose! A true diva is too busy walkin' on sunshine to chase a man in the shade!


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