Host: Izaak M
Hey babies, tis’ been a while since I graced this room but glad I’m doing this all the same. The sassy bitch has been busy lately and may be MIA for an extra week I think. So, when he gave me his blessings to hold his fort, I took issue with two things: Thank God the End of ‘something’ segment has been kinda reinstated though limited to end of month. See, some of us are just not penetrating (in terms of writing content) like some people we know; then there is that bit of been kept waiting. I still believe I’m the inspiration behind the much talked about high maintenance boys that will soon be a subject of this blog. Don’t worry I’ll put him to task over it during the weekend when he graces my mini housewarming (beau moved house recently) on your behalf but I'm sure I'll be told in usual T.S.R fashion to get over myself, the universe doesn't revolve around me.
September is ending and I must admit this year has been on a mad rush. It has taken me by surprise. Other than bitching here and there, I also have been making some few changes in my fucked up life but I guess we all do this, right?
I wanted to focus on something that this month’s articles ministered to me...
Jeez I sure sound like my reverend already!
The men in my life: I come from a point in time where there’s just too much exposure. My idea of bromance is something like the novellas we watch on our screens. I value being treated right and above all respected but here is the thing, being queer also means that I got a penis and I got to man up most times. That is the only way no one will treat me as a doormat.
‘I feel like a good fuck and I’m getting one this weekend.’ One of the pretty boys told me this week. The same guy will be all sad and feeling used, come Monday. The cycle continues but I’m his bff, I’m supposed to stick by him. Heck, I don’t know. I crave for the days men were handy to have around when required. They were not particularly intelligent but at least they could be taught how to light cigarettes, run errands, open doors and of course the biggest role of them all: give satisfaction in the bedroom!
Take a cab? Who leaves parties alone and flees home? Your date took you home. That is what men were for.
When this love sh*t came it got all of us confused, affairs and cheating have become a norm but I’m still told handle it like a man or do men still stick together even if they are trying to screw their friends’ wives/partners?
I read somewhere that love is much more important than sex because love was a sign of approval while sex was secret…well, not quite as sex was lust and lust means being out of control. To me being out of control has only the worst frightening connotation.
I wish you a great weekend and kindly get your priorities right in the coming month, White Rabbit!
Thanks swits,just talked to Jo-C. Sunday it is but kindly have some gloves for the gardening work #Ijustdidmynails!