Tuesday, 31 July 2012


By Cole Mutahi
My gratitude goes to you my reader for making me relevant since I opened T.S.R. While still inhaling the same air of gratitude, I have to meet my side of the bargain and do the long awaited Q&A article meant to demystify me. I must put it on record that I had to divide it into three sections: General, Personal and Bedroom oriented segment which I had to append a PG Rating on (Kindly make sure you are 21 or older, I don’t want to be accused of eroding minds of these young zega boys) This being the End of month I will do a double treat and even serve you the usual music.  

General Questions
1. I recently visited a straight pal (who has become good pals with my beau in recent times) for a sleep over, when we were in bed, he started touching me. I assumed but some minutes later I felt his stiff rod touching me. I didn’t want to ‘sin’ b’coz I have a Bf, so I moved from bed to the couch. In the morning we couldn’t even talk. We were both shy. Was my move right? Would I have just fu*ked with him and got it over with?
Cole: Let me get this right: Straight what? Hello, dick alert! dick alert! I commend your boss mentality and taking charge of the situation (Most of us would have gladly received it). It was a great move and if he’s allegedly straight, maybe he was just undergoing one of those dry spells. These things used to happen in school you know. You earned that guy’s respect and it will hang on for a while.
2. I have been dating this guy for almost 2 years now but in October last year, I discovered he was cheating. I have declined sleeping with him since then. We are still tight despite that. I doubt whether he sleeps with other boys…I even know his HIV status since we went to the VCT together but I’m still not ready to do it even if protected. He loves and respects that. I’m worried I’m pushing him to look for other hotties, Am I?
Cole: Pretty, I’ll be very honest with you. Your jerk boyfriend is like a bottle of sour milk in the fridge. You don't keep going back and tasting the milk to see if it's better; why do you think that if you give him enough chances, he'll magically become a nice guy? Get Blu Cantrell’s Hit ‘em up style Asap. Falling off a bike is an accident but falling into man pussy? Avoid doing what pretty boys do al the time: Making excuses for a man.
3. Anonymous: My Bf hasn’t been so available of late. He says he’s busy, doesn't text me anymore or returns my call a day later etc. What do you think I should do?
Cole: I’ll be very direct with you on this. Dump him before he does it! The moment a man changes his behavior or routine, it is better to accept that you are past your sell by date. He’s being distracted by someone new. Are you forgetting that men always create time for the things they like?
4. Tomy: What advice do you have for guys who no longer seem to just have the passion?
Cole: Just like the previous guy I’ll tell you something you may be familiar with: Put them in a spot where they have no place to go and they will die before fleeing.

Personal Questions.
5. Who is Cole Mutahi and what inspires him?
Cole: Superbly Matured. Since 1986.Young, fresh, urbanite and with a penchant for saying it as it is, CM is a legal mind and ICT enthusiast. He is also a good purveyor of minds having had a stint in psychology. He writes on gay men, well being and mental wellness. He is a life coach, motivation speaker and aspiring psychoanalyst. Succinctly put, he’s a little bit of everything all rolled into one. On inspiration, let me just say People do motivate me.
6. Relationships especially gay ones are for losers: People who have reached the irreplaceable maximum. For them, its either I go with this fellow or am doomed. That has always been our view (you and I so to speak). Do you believe in Gay relationships? If yes, what constitutes a solid R/ship? If not, what is the best way to live a gay life?
Cole: Wow. Wait I know I’m such an opinionated bitch but since when did I maintain such a barbaric view? Contrary to popular opinion, I do believe in that emotionally co-dependent shitstorm you call relationship. To make it work, put all your weight behind it and keep people off your sh*t. Never be the one who easily walks away unless it's really justifiable,also remember when someone treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation. It’s that simple.
7. When do you get married? To a man or woman? Are you planning to have kids in the future? How many and why?
Cole: I haven’t given it a thought really. Who gets married nowadays? Maybe I’ll consider a union of convenience with a likeminded lady (I’m in a country where it is still taboo to rule out womenfolk entirely) Kids? At the moment, I just don’t like those little devils being all over my business. Luckily enough I’m an only child who’s orphaned. The usual family pressure many gay men experience won’t be much.
8. What do you intend to achieve in the next 2 years especially as a columnist with Identity magazine and a blogger. Do you mix your social life with your full time career?
Cole: Identity has been reinventing under the capable leadership of Denis. I can’t close my eyes to the fact that without ID, T.S.R may have not picked up that much. Once the monthly issues resume, I hope to make it big, maybe become a resident debutante in matters zega? T.S.R is still a past time activity for me. Who knows, maybe it may be the next Huffingpost in Africa? My social life and my career which you are privy to how sensitive it is are totally different. I’m the one person who’s been on record in the office saying being my colleague doesn’t necessarily make you my friend. I try as much as I can to divorce the two.

9. What do you do for work? I know you have told me in the past the nature of your job is...blah blah.
Cole: I'm a fulltime legal assistant but currently I'm into administration.I also have side hustles: Having majored in ICT I am a consultant with strengths on Internet security. It is what I do on my free time. I also moonlight a lot for Aphiaplus (NAIROBI-COAST) mostly during my weekends courtesy of a meaningful contact.I definitely live beyond my means but I still survive.
10. Do you see yourself ever settling down with a man? The suburbia sort of life?
Cole: Maybe. I don’t know. It’s a cruel world out here.  So long as rings aren’t involved, I’d definitely love to wake up next to a man I adore every morning. Oh my gay…what did I just say? At the  moment I’d just say I’d rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me!
11. Are u Gay, Bi etc?
Cole: I’m very gay as they come girl. My loyalties only lie with the guys. Ladies I treasure them as they are!
12. Do you intend to ever come out, to everyone? If not, why?
I’m at a pretty comfortable place at the moment. Kind of complacent you know. If the truth will hurt the powers that be, then they are better off with a warranted lie.
13. Are u into make up?
No. I’m pretty natural though I treasure good grooming. Wait, why did you ask that? Girl if you want to gift me I’ll be more than thankful.
14. What’s your level of education?
Cole: I’m Undergrad with a few professional qualifications here and there. The problem is that I use none of those in my current Job description. I hope to pursue my MSc. once I’m ready and I have the requisite gear. Good luck in your papers and my warm regards to your beau.

15. Is Cole Mutahi your name?
Cole: For purposes of this article, Yes.
16. Is Cole as complicated as his posts?
Cole: I’m naturally shy and don’t talk much. You have to divorce that bitch on TSR and the real thing!
17. Yeah right. Is Cole a geek who wears glasses?
Cole: Yeah, I do have those geek spectacles you see in my animated picture in addition to 2 other pairs of glasses. All have the same prescription. Remind me to carry them the day you will be interviewing me on your blog.
18. Does Cole call his friends girlfriend?
Cole: For guys I will always say guy friend but for the ladies, what’s wrong with that?

19. Victor: What’s the biggest drama that you caused in a public place?
Cole: Not much really. Just some bad day I went out for lunch and the lady waiter ignored me for a long time and was serving people who had come after me. I was so irritated. I motioned her to come over but she instead started seeking instructions from the other table. I raised my voice and told her not to make me buy that place just to fire her. Everyone within the perimeter stared at me perplexed. I was finally served with her supervisor. But since I dated a guy who told me he had been a waiter in another life and explained to me their challenges, I stopped such drama at restaurants.
20. Kamal: What's the meaning of the two paws tattoo on your left wrist?
Cole: Oh, the babies? I consider myself a work in progress. I take steps in life to get to what and where I want. In life, you always have to be on the move.
21. J.Warui: I have visited TSR. Where do you get all these stories?
Cole: As I said earlier, people inspire me. Every guy I meet or interact with in the zega scene is a potential story in TSR.
22. Luke: What are some of the cherished moments/things a guy did for you?
Cole: Aww, I can write a book on this. Let me just note the few: Was meeting this guy for lunch in some public restaurant in the city center, he pulled a seat for me. Who does that! Then there is when the trophy boyfriend seriously offered to hold my hand as we crossed the road (chuckle); remember that guy who was significantly younger than me? (He still thinks I'm a year his junior)He once tucked me in bed to sleep before he left and we never even had anything!I never felt so valued and warm in my own abode (Wiping a tear with the tail end of Sasha's borrowed Brazilian weave lest I spoil the mascara); late last month there is the guy who kept making fun of me b'coz the security guys at Club Bettyz (which is too stuffy anyway) maintained I was underage even after I'd shown them my ID. He made it up to me forthwith and the next time I was in an upmarket den of sin. God knows what my pastor would do if he found me here! and the recent one is a guy getting me a painting slightly over $180. I have never even thought of getting myself any painting. He ought to have given me that money (laughs). Then I can't forget Sam who got me the man purse and branded socks from his visit abroad and I never needed to pay for it in kind etc.
23. Trevor: Why do you play hard to get?
Cole: Honey, I am hard to get.
24. Trevor: I still maintain you are difficult to please.
Cole: I’m not difficult to please; I’m just not easily impressed.
25. Kelvin: What do you look for in a guy?
Cole: Hmm…you just couldn’t help it. Of course the tall, dark and handsome qualities are constant. Wait, that dark part doesn’t apply entirely. My crush is of Arab descent and I just don't date brief people though I hear that the shorter the monkey, the longer the tail. He’s also got to be really confident, intelligent, funny, a gentleman, sensitive, sweet and above all a friend, oh and no riff-raff. So far I’m privileged not to have trained a boyfriend.
26. Kelvin: So, are you single? Be honest.
Cole: I’m veeeeeeeeeery single but not entirely available.
27. Ali: Three things most people don’t know about you?
Cole: Oh, I don’t drink beer or spirits. Maybe half a glass of wine while in social trysts. I’m a fan of the violin and starting Violin classes soon and lastly I’m not an uptown kid.
28. Hector: What makes you relevant and consistent Cole? And what makes you have a balanced view on the scene?
Cole: Wow, love your name Hector. It has royal connotations just so you know. I do not have a gym membership, a husband, or any magazine subscription. I've never been to those high end clothes shops. I refuse to talk on the phone and drive. I see my texts three or four hours later. Last time I checked, I'm one of the happiest pretty boys I know. On the balanced view of the scene: When you grow up, people take everything from you. Your time, your life, your freedom, your boyfriend/ husband…need I say more?

Bedroom Questions
29.Isaac: Cole, you talked about relationships. Would you have an affair if you were in one?
Cole: Me, Have an affair? Like I really want to fake an orgasm for two men?
30.Andrew: What arouses Cole?
Cole: Remember when I told you that a pretty boy always knows in the first 5 seconds the guy he’ll sleep with? Well a great physique combined with a great kiss brings it up!
31.Patrick: Have you ever showered with your boyfriend?
Cole: I’m offended. Is that even a question? The Showering bit is an extension of the whole love making process and as you rightly asked,it is only limited to a boyfriend not a one night stand! While still on this, a guy showering with his beau is epic. That’s the point you cuddle some more, the dominant partner gets to ensure that he didn’t hurt his ‘baby’ during the session and if he did, he gets to help him sort it out.
32. Have u ever swallowed?
Cole: OMG Hell No! I don’t subscribe to that primeval notion that when you swallow a man’s cream he will treasure you for eternity.
33. Have you ever accepted cash after sleeping with a guy?
Cole: Apparently No. I just don't suck d!ck for success, Never have. I sleep with a guy to release the tension within. I’m a very independent individual konjo, self-made and done.
34. Your embarrassing bedroom story?
Cole: He was a married man. It was very late when he showed up at my doorstep and it was raining so I kind of felt for him. He was so drunk too. We never went all the way and he never came anyway. Well, to make a long story short and to get right down to the nitty gritty of it...the man had no pecker. I've held bigger Bic lighters in my hand. Alcohol really curtails action!
35. Raul: We have seen what people say about you, you are an amazing writer and very social guy. You have content buddy.
Cole: Oh Oh…just spill the question
36. Raul: Excuse my manners. This isn’t really a question. I have had several people ask me and I get mad but I am going to ask you anyway. Are you top or bottom? How many men have slept in your bed or rather how many men have you had sex with?
Cole: Huh…the age old T/B question? I only answer that question to people I’m brokering a sleeping deal with. Ask me in camera i. On the number of men. I have categories: The total I’ve met, the number I’ve slept with and the ones I’ve reeeeeally slept with (Penetrative sex was involved). In total I’ve met and interacted with at least 81 men since I really started meeting guys. Out of this number I’ve slept with (just romance or cuddly related activities) 17 and the ones we reeeeeally went all the way are 7. Gosh, you really gave me some difficult math here but I’m pretty accurate. No more questions from you, you are over asking!
37. Frank: Have you slept with Denis Nzioka? If not, have you considered it?
Cole: Wow, that’s pretty heavy. Denis is technically my boss at Identity. You don’t mix business with pleasure you know besides it’s not like I’m climbing any corporate ladder. Now would I consider it? I highly doubt it. Denis is the kind of guy you only sleep with illegitimately (chips funga) then you hope your bf finds out the following day just to prove a point to him!
Charles M
38. I’m an avid reader of your blog, congratulations for the success of T.S.R. Here are some of my questions. I hope am not the naughtiest (chuckle); what’s your favorite sex position?
Cole: Almost everything but then it’s all about creativity when it comes to the bedroom. Just one thing I can’t sit on it!
39. Do you moan in the act, are you loud?
Cole: Oh Shit. Piss. Hell, next question!
40. Who is your crush of all time?
Cole: Remember that Arab/Caucasian golfer I talked about on the second or third article on TSR? He has an attitude that is smarmy in other men and he may just be joining us for our usual road trip this August. Maybe he has finally seen the light.
41. What would you do if you found me naked in your bed?
Cole: How would you even end up in my bed? Any-gay, I would cover you up ASAP and advice you to dress up. Charles, I don’t sleep with friends who I share all my sexual and man affairs with! (giggles)
42. Fazio: I know you’ve talked about your first sexual experiences. Anything notable thing about the first time you haven’t told us? What are your views on protection?
Cole: Hmm…you are very good! Let me just say the things that guy could do with his tongue should be declared illegal! On protection, I always say you must rubber it! Even if you are in a stable r/ship. I always have my CD's. If the guy doesn't it's better to postpone the act. If you are uncomfortable buying them just pick those ones in Airport or mall washrooms, they are free and can work. Barebacking is NOT my thing.

That marks the end of our Q&A segment. I haven’t tackled 7 questions. Let me reserve them for an interview I am giving soon on a fellow blogger’s space. That Bitch has been asking very tough questions! Let's do this again sometime. It was really fun and mind boggling too.
T.S.R also takes a short-lived sabbatical. When we get back, we’ll be bigger, bolder and more sophisticated. From teaching Zegas how to dress -from some fine resident fashion slave- to other fresh guests who have various situations for us. I’m glad we are hitting the 7K mark by the end of this week. Have a fruitful week/ white rabbit babies, I will!

Cole Mutahi.

Friday, 27 July 2012

The Zega Constitution: The Gay Man's Bill of Rights

By Kamal Fitsum.
The bitch is apparently swamped with duties (Good luck remarks in your new assignment are in order) so I had to be called upon to wish you people a great weekend in T.S.R's End of Week segment. I don't trust him. I’m sure it’s all those crazy questions he’s been complaining you guys are sending his way for next week’s article which I hear is going to be crazy. Cole you better do what you do best! 
This week T.S.R hosted Wyatt, a chocolate romantic who gave us pretty nice pointers on how to spice things up. I’m still considering getting that novel.Now, you guys know me, I don’t say much rather than get you those funny things to ponder about over the weekend. Today we focus on The Zega Constitution.  Once again I must put a Disclaimer: The following text is satire and is not meant to encourage division, homophobia or even be taken seriously, for that matter. Just before we get all legal, your usual music is in order:

You have the right to NOT be Out if you do not choose to be. Discretion about whom and what you do in the seclusion of your home (or rented hotel room) is included in your right to privacy.

You have the right to be Naturally Masculine and not be accused of "Acting Straight" by Naturally Feminine/In-between gays who may be insecure, bitter or feeling rejected.

You have the right to only have heterosexual close friends if the so-called "Gay Lifestyle" and the people who are a part of it are not interesting to you. Everyone has the right to surround themselves with like-minded people.

You have the right to not have feminine/in-between friends for whatever reason; everyone has the right to surround themselves with like-minded people. Implementing this right does NOT mean that you hate Fems.

You have the right to NOT date or be attracted to feminine men; in-between men included. Implementing this right does NOT mean that you hate Fems since many of them admit they would not date a Feminine Man either....Lolz

You have the right to enjoy all sexual positions (including Top, Bottom or Versatile); all forms of oral sex also included. Being Masculine does not mean you are expected to only be a Top if that is not your singular preference. You also have the right to be Topped by a Feminine Man (Cole...take photos, please).

You have the right to enjoy traditional masculine activities; you will not be chastised for watching soccer matches or  refusing to dance wildly to Beyonce songs and attend drag shows.

You have the right to NOT own the entire "Noah's Arc" series on Blu-Ray or DVD. This also includes owning the Director's Cut editions of "Paris is Burning", "Kinky Boots" or "To Wong Foo"

You have the right to remind feminine men that masculine gays have done just as much as Fems in the fight for basic civil rights for gays. If they deny this, ask them to provide proof.

You have the right to be embarrassed when attention seeking flamboyant feminine men make a scene in a public places like restaurants, shopping malls and/or matatus.

None of these sentiments give you the right to verbally or physically harass feminine/in-between men for any reason whatsoever. Otherwise, all of your rights will be rescinded.

Any additional amendments or ratifications must be approved by a masculine gay congress.


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The “Chocolate Romantic”: Wyatt O’Brian Evans’s Ten Commandments of Romance

By Wyatt O’Brian Evans


Cole: Before I allow you do what T.S.R has been looking forward to. Let’s talk a bit about your novel. OMG I have read only a sixth of this book and I must admit it’s something I totally relate to, wow! Personally I love the uncensored aspect. We all love this kind of stuff. The street language also makes it so real! Congratulations are in order (smiles)

Wyatt: Thanks very much Cole. I strongly believe that the story will resonate with a universal audience, particularly the LGBT community.

Cole: It definitely will. So how about leaving your details for anyone who may be willing to gift themselves with this novel? I still undertake to give my readers sneak peeks into this masterpiece on Friday in our End of Week segment. I’m sure I’ll have a balanced opinion on the novel by then.

Wyatt: For sure. You can purchase the novel at my website, www. wyattobrianevans. com

Cole: Most of us here in Africa don’t do that eBay, Amazon purchase. Is there a way we can get it in some other way? For instance, if I was to send money by western Union and you mailed me the book?

Wyatt: Okay that could also work. Any interested person can definitely contact me on Email wyattobrianevans@yahoo.com or my publicist mog@rolivera.com

Cole: Perfect. Thanks very much for the phone conversation, being part of T.S.R. today and all the best in this launch Wyatt.

Wyatt: It was a pleasure just talking with you! I’d appreciate all you can do to help promote Nothing Can Tear Us Apart--Uncensored. 

I’m the “Chocolate Romantic.”  Why?  Well, because I’m a brown-skinned, African-American who’s a diehard romantic!

    As I’m sure you realize, the need and desire to have a healthy, fulfilling and successful monogamous relationship is universal—it ain’t just a LGBTQI “thang,” a straight thang, of a Black/Latino/Asian/white/etc. thang.  And nurturing, tending to, and keeping the romantic fires alive and burning strong are absolutely essential to the survival of your “union of luv.”

    According to romance expert and author L. A. Hunter, it “is the creation of an atmosphere where (he/she) feels unconditional love and appreciation.  You can turn down the lights, turn on the radio, take (he/she) by the hand, and ask (he/she) to dance in the kitchen.  That’s romance.

     Hunter continues, “At that moment, (he/she) is the most important person in the world, and feels appreciated and loved.”

     The expert/author adds, “The passion and excitement (he/she) will be feeling for you not only manifest itself in sex, but will also spill over into other aspects of the relationship.  Sometimes it takes a few romantic encounters to get the best results—(he/she) may not be used to it, (he/she) may have been hurt by you and think you’re only doing it for sex.  Hang in there, the payoff is within reach.”

     Samuel Stoddard, another romance expert, weighs in.  “Being romantic is hard work.  Some people think that romance is easy, that anybody can be romantic with very little work.  This is not true.”

     But, have no fear, for your man Wyatt, the Chocolate Romantic, is on the case!  The following are my “Ten Commandments of Romance,” which should get those romantic juices flowing.  Of course, I employ these prime directives to flex my own “romantic muscle(s).”

     So, here goes!  I’ve put them in descending order:

Wyatt O’Brian Evans’s “Ten Commandments of Romance”

10.  Do it up in RED, baby!  Red is romantic because it’s the color of love and passion.
9.     Don’t forget the background music.   This sets just the right mood.  Not too loud, however.
8.     Turn the lights down low.  Stoddard explains, “Candles are romantic.  Sunrises and sunsets are romantic.  And kind of low light, you see, is romantic; hence, why dinner dates after dark are more romantic than lunch dates at noon.”
7.     Offer up some chocolates.  “When you give a box of chocolates to your beloved, it says, ‘You could pig out on this tub of lard and bloat out to three tons, but you’d still be the apple of my eye.’  It doesn’t matter if it’s true—it’s the message that counts,” according to Stoddard.
6.     Give teddy bears—and other tokens, trinkets of your LUV.   It’s a cute romantic gesture!  (And, don’t forget the massages!)
5.     Have an evolved sense of style.  Like, try to be as suave and debonair as you can.  Swagger’s good, too!
4.     Hook your “boo” up with a pet name.  Stoddard says, “To be romantic, you have to call each other names carefully crafted to make yourself and everyone around you throw up.”
3.     Make it personal.  It’s kind of romantic to buy a “mooshy” greeting card for your boo—but to be really romantic, you’ve gotta sign it.
2.     Remember birthdays and anniversaries!  Lawd, need I say more?  (Nah.  Didn’t think so!)
1.  ***Give of your time.  One of the required and essential ingredients of romance is your time, point blank period.  There just ain’t no “gittin’” around it.
     Let me add that I’m a strong proponent and believer of effective communication.  If the two individuals experience difficulty in articulating their feelings, needs and desires, expectations, hopes, and dreams to each other, their so-called “relationship” or “partnership” doesn’t have a ghost of a chance.

     Now, allow me to leave you with some other ways I pump up and flex my romantic muscle.  Because I’m pretty big on giving and receiving cards, I mail/email them to my special guy.  Also, I slip one (always with a personal note and signed, of course!) under his pillow.  Hey, I might even plant one in his briefcase or backpack. 

     As well, if I’m really motivated, I place some type of HAWT underwear somewhere in that very briefcase or backpack!  (Yo—is it HOT in here or what???  Smile.)

     A trip to the “adult store” to check out—and perhaps purchase—the latest items can definitely “rev up our motors,” if you catch my drift.  (Smile.)

     And sometimes, during the workday, I email him an invitation to “get horizontal.”  Then, there are my salacious voicemail messages.

     Also, let’s not forget just quietly kicking back together in the living room, perhaps with a roaring fire, discussing the minutiae of our day, reconnecting with one another.  This very well might lead to retiring to our candle-lit bedroom, which is of the right temperature, with just the right amount of incense wafting through—and with, say, Whitney (Houston), or Luther (Vandross), or Teddy (Pendergrass), or Marvin (Gaye)/Tammi (Terrell), very, very softly crooning about L-U-V (luv).

     So, there you have it.  Now, hop to it!  Inject some good ole quality romance into your relationship/partnership.  You’ll be so glad you did--because the pay off is rich, and well worth it.

     Wyatt O’Brian Evans is a journalist, author, motivational speaker, entertainer and entrepreneur residing in metro Washington, in the States.  His articles have been featured in print and on-line publications including the Washington Post, American Politics, QBliss, Bilerico.com, and GBMNews.com.  His new novel, “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—Uncensored” (gay/ethnic/erotica), was released on July 17, 2012.  You may visit Wyatt at:  www.wyattobrianevans.com.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Who Knew...

By Cole Mutahi.

Despite Double M’s perfectly rehearsed drama when he was launching his cantankerous book that has got the whole country talking, (as a matter of fact I already have a borrowed copy of the same and a free PDF version one of T.S.R's friends was generous enough to circulate my way last evening) I still maintain he’s such a diva. That ‘come baby cum’ remark is something I usually just hear when a naked and fully erect man is breathing uncontrollably next to me, Oops! Where are my manners? Sorry…
After a great week comes the finality of it. It’s been pretty swamped for yours truly but then I always just have to think of you my gallant reader then realize that at least I owe you that parting counsel for the weekend. First world pains you know!
This is the week that we showcased (zega) men and their well-articulated inks. I’m sure not everyone subscribes to tattoos generally but upon a second reading of the said article, you realize that people have solid pasts and alter egos to deal with the same and even address their current situations and that’s what T.S.R is all about: Situations! When I first opened the doors to this room I was not so sure it would have a zealous following. I hope to keep it at that and even improve further. Who knew it would turn out to be this intriguing just to voice various situations

Remember the gay Burundian guy we once interviewed here? I have attached this link in case you missed moving story: http://colemutahi.blogspot.com/2012/06/it-could-be-any-of-usyou-just-never.html 
This week saw Abdul* brought to the city and is currently under the adroit care of a German organization whose name is still pretty difficult for me to decipher. From him being attacked, hospitalized a fortnight or two after T.S.R talked to him, endless phone calls and even trying to network with the Burundi LGBT enthusiasts among other astute local stakeholders, who knew we’d get to this point? I am eager to get the GALCK boss (whom I’m sure has had wakeful nights trying to get some rationality in the kid’s situation) to grace T.S.R before the end of this month just to put things in perspective. I am definitely a blonde when it comes to the ever delicate Rights subject, lol!

Still in matters being insufferable, I’m scared. I made a wild promise and apparently it’s materialized so fast. With barely a hundred hits to go, we’ll be hitting 6K Views and this is really something. Okay, I’d promised to do an article to demystify me once we got here. 
T.S.R will be doing a Q&A honorary article at the End of this month where you get to ask me anything. You are allowed to get as naughty and unrestricted as you want. To facilitate this exercise you can check out our Facebook Page: Cole Mutahi’s Situation Room.Send a private message or even write on the wall but all your answers will be featured on the article. You can also do this on Twitter via DM: @Cole_Mutahi
My email is also available: Colemutahi@gmail.com.
You may use an Internet name of your choice for discretion purposes as I intend to publish all the questions and authors of the same. Who knew you’d get this platform?

Have a great weekend and remember: A pretty boy Never gives permanent feelings to a temporary person!
Cole Mutahi.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


I am inked. Yes, and I mean no shaggy dog story when I present this averment. So a few weeks ago when my job mentor saw it I had to do the explaining I usually do to anyone who sees my two babies. Based on her religious beliefs, I think I’m an agent of the devil. This was implied. Today T.S.R introduces you to the world of tats. I got in touch with a few friends to the situation room who are similarly inked and believe me, call them deviant and/or rebels, I definitely call it swag. Even my friend Morgan says that he is keen on getting one on his butt 'cheek' soon in addition to his Prince Albert piercing. Yap, that's wassup babies.

 ‘Hey Cole, I’m inked for life and I love it!’ says Stephane de Benito the author of Grim, Grey and Smokey on this blog. 
This superbly matured Spaniard who’s been living and working for gain in the country for almost half a decade spots a Unicorn tattoo somewhere next to his‘goodies’ (Ok, don’t let your mind drift).

Since I was very young, I always wanted to have a tattoo, a tattoo that means something. I have been attracted by the philosophy of the Unicorn: While the unicorn is curious, imaginative and resourceful, its ultimate power is in its ability to survive. Whenever a unicorn hits a difficult time in its life or even criticism from others for being itself, it simply turns its horn toward the negativity and lets the horn soak it in. The unicorn’s horn is like a sponge for the pain of adversity and insults. While others collapse at the first sign of resistance or at the first criticism they receive, the unicorn is able to take that black negativity and turn it into a rainbow of awesome achievement. Gay god knows I try…
There is a Spanish song readily available on YouTube: ‘Unicornio Azul’ that supports his obsession with this mythical creature. Asked on what it means to him and when he got it: For one reason or another, I never got my head round to do it. It was always in my mind. One of my favorite songs says “my blue unicorn was lost yesterday, if anyone knows where it is, I beg some information”… Well that is exactly what my tattoo means. For over forty years I have been looking for my Blue Unicorn and in this search I travel to many places and met too many fake horns. It is only in Kenya that I finally found my Blue Unicorn and the courage to have ‘inked’ on me permanently so HE does not get lost again…

Kyle Ogila -a resident of NBO- is not only one fine brother when it comes to looks and style but also loves his ink. ‘I got mine in January of 09. It's largely a tribal tattoo that spoke to me. To be honest, I’ve never really bothered to find out what it meant coz I really like it.’ He opines.

The Addis based konjo who distinguished for us the zega scene in NBO and the land of Haile Selassie is also not left behind in this ink discussion. Victor Geta narrates: 

‘My parents would definitely kill me if they saw these. They are extremely devout when it comes to matters Jesus. My first tattoo is a phoenix bird. I googled and read about this mythical creature and was so mesmerized. I like how it burns, dies and then rises again from the ashes. It is in a nutshell my story. 

All those bi*ches trying to bring me down and saying all kind of appalling things about my sexuality, I always find a way to get up and rise. I just wanted a symbol of that on my body to remind me of how and where I’ve come from.
My second tattoo is of a wolf yawning, barking, Ok, I don't know what the term is but woooooing, Cole you are the queen of English, that word (laughs hysterically) there is the moon and a skull by its side and its head held up to the moon and yawning.  

Before I became this free and independent zega person I was one of those guys who cried a lot at night yearning for a solution for my ‘curse’. It reminds me of the lonely times when I was chasing down my demons. The skull is the old me: Dead and gone.

My third tattoo is of a tiger. I'm a cat person and I adore tigers. They’re so fierce and elegant and you can't tell which one is the male or the female. Gosh, you have to see the balls....  

While still breathing the same air of ink signifying where we have come from,  Identity’s Cole Mutahi and The Situation Room’s boss has ink on his left wrist.
‘I wanted something that denotes my incessant emancipation. Everyday is a step for me to be a great person. I appreciate where I’ve been despite its misfits, where I am and definitely have a clue of where I’m going. I’m still pretty uptight showcasing my babies due to the nature of my work so I tend to accessorize just to divert attention from them. I researched for the specific paws I wanted online, printed them and took them with me to my tattoo artiste who did it just the way I wanted it. One paw is slightly ahead of the other. In every sphere of your life, you got to move!’

T.S.R also got to meet Kamal Fitsum, an expatriate Kenyan who works for gain in West Africa. I had an opportunity to visit the parlor where he does his tats at The Yaya centre, Nairobi. When I first approached him on this subject he was pretty intrigued. '...you mean ALL six of them?

I got them over the last 5 years starting with one my left bicep. It’s just an abstract tribal design. It was followed by the abstract Tiger (with some color) on the right bicep, since then I was hooked! I did both my fore arms and calf (the rear region of the leg before the ankle) on the same day, guess I could take the 'pain'...

What they mean to me? Hmm, to be frank I have loved body art since I was young. Maybe I’d say I wanted to titivate my body. However I just saw the tattoos in the albums and chose them. I love abstract tribal art and thus chose these.’

Other notable men and their ink

Identity Kenya and Identity Magazine’s founder and Editor in chief Denis Nzioka was also questioned on ink. ‘I have like three of them and will soon be getting a fourth one…One of them is on my left bicep and for the rest I really need an extra pair of hands inorder to share with you samples of the same.' He opines.

Eric Gitari a human rights enthusiast and one of the most highly regarded brains in the zega circles and a friend to T.S.R also loves his ink. ‘I will strip and snap away tonight.’ He promised. By the time T.S.R was going live we didn’t have sufficient ink snapshots so I guess that was a rain check considering he’s out of jurisdiction on a visibly demanding schedule.

Cole Mutahi.

Friday, 13 July 2012

I'm NOT a virgin.

By Cole Mutahi

‘Have I slept with you?’ That’s a question I’ve asked many guys I meet in the scene who tend to exhibit some familiarity. A strange man has been calling me of late.

 I don’t know him  but what I know is that he’s been in a chapter on my past since he asked me whether I’m still at my last address.

He says he has missed me. He has a pretty great voice and tends to act ‘in charge.’ Remember  I’ve told you before, I  always remember all my men even the one night stand ones. This one, I’m zilch!
It’s a tough society we live in. All men you meet in your life as a zega guy have some valuable lesson for you to learn. I have come to appreciate that from a virgin mind.Through that finger snapping they do;  that you are dressed like a pastor body check;  that you can’t satisfy my libido by only two rounds, look you’re still around, aren’t you?

Back to my virginity story I was sharing with you in last Friday’s segment. Apparently one of you reviewed it as soft porn. That isn’t a bad thing, right? His hands were dexterously removing bits of my clothes. I had to make a decision. Men are so fickle you know but he was a classy dude. He loved me. He was a serious person. My serious person. I opened my eyes and saw the white gleam of a condom in his hand. ‘Don’t be afraid baby’ he whispered. ‘I love you.’ He kissed me and I was no longer afraid. Then he was suddenly in a rush. Love making is so wonderful, why do men seem to want to get it over with? Maybe it’s different for men. I thought to myself. That strange and indescribable pleasure, interlaced with the pain. There was frenzy thereafter, shirts hurriedly buttoned, belts buckled...I was young and this was just the beginning of an intriguing future.

Fast forward: He is suave, charming and has beautiful manners with some bit of  careless self confidence. After dining and wining, he suggested we get latex and go have a sinful moment. I didn’t come around to it since it would feel like I was paying for the date by having a shag. We went dutch so that’s instant immunity right? The poor thing still had his erection by the end of the night. Blue balls, Hello!
Now that’s the false excuse. The honest excuse is that I don’t want to sleep with him since I’m sure he’ll disappear soonest. Pretty boys always know who they want to keep around.  I’m already being addressed as ‘Hun’ and I’m told to ask for anything I want. Same shit. Different boy. Then there is that situation where  a lot of attractive eligible men keep asking you for dates and you don’t like having to turn them down. So you end up feeling guilty because he’s somewhere in the back of my mind. Look,  If a man takes you to dinner and starts to kiss you afterward in his car or some deserted area, it’s understood you would go somewhere to consumate it. This is some sort of a default setting in the zega scene.
Virgin means clean,fertile, untouched, naive and a catch in some circles. What a ghastly list of qualities! I’m NOT a virgin. I am a gay man. A hopeless combination of horny and guilty.
Have a great weekend ducklings and Birthday wishes to Bugz Maingi, an avid T.S.R visitor and participant!!